Thursday, January 26, 2012

Golf Driving Tips to Reduce a Slice

I'm not sure that you have a problem with slicing your golf ball, it is however a good bet that you may now have or at one time had a slice. 80% of all amateur golfers have experience with this swing fault.

Before we can start to cure your slice, we need to understand what a slice is.

A slice is when the ball flight starts to the right, and then goes further right, or starts to the left and curves back to the right, this is for a right handed golfer. For a left handed golfer the affliction is the same only the ball goes left.

The major cause is impacting the ball with an open club face. There can be many reasons for the club face to be open at impact. The challenge is finding out why your club face is open and then fixing the swing fault that is the cause of it.

Many golfers will try a host of band-aid fixes most of which do not solve the underlying swing fault. A couple of examples;

Trying to play for the slice by aiming and swinging to the left. The ball will still slice, but may end up in the fairway.
Closing the club face at address. This may result in a hook ball flight, almost as hard to correct.
The search for what works is a study in frustration.

To illustrate how frustrating the search for the reason for a slice can be let me outline how mine was finally cured after more than 20 years.

I started golfing at age 25, with no lessons just watching others swing. after a couple of years I was playing to a 12 to 15 handicap and did not have a persistent slice or for that matter any chronic swing faults.

At about age 33 I suffered a shoulder injury and was out of golf for a couple of years. After some rehab I came back but with a mean slice and now sported a handicap in the mid 30's. I also had lost a lot of distance.My first experience with instruction was with a PGA teaching pro in my local area, my request was for him to help me with the slice. This persons' advice was to immediately open the club face as soon as I started my backswing, the theory being that it would force me to close the club face. This is a classic example of a band-aid fix, one that hides the problem temporarily!

This advice did work for a short time, but when the slice went away, and I tried to return to a normal swing, I could not.

I continued to try to play out of it without success and after a number of years went to another PGA pro, who immediately zeroed in on my grip, which was at the time at an extreme weak position. As soon as I changed to a stronger grip position the slice was gone.

Today almost all of my shots go arrow straight, and some of the lost distance is back.

Common swing faults that result in a slice ball flight.

A weak grip position is only one of the causes of a slice, but is easily fixed just use a strong grip position and practice.
Another common swing flaw that results in a slice is swinging from the outside in which can be caused by "casting" from the top which will cause you to tilt to the left changing your swing plane. The cure would be to swing from the inside to down the target line, maintain your "lag" as long as you can, and be sure you roll your right forearm over the left after impact.
Trying to swing harder, with the goal of gaining more distance is another leading cause of swinging over the top and again exacerbating the open face. The typical ball flight would be high and extremely to the right.
Your best avenue for success is to schedule a lesson with your local PGA teaching pro, and have him or her help identity what swing fault is causing the open face, and work to fix it.

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Does Increasing Golf Swing Speed also Increase Club Head Speed?

Increasing your club head speed will add distance to all of your clubs, the question is how do you accomplish that goal. Swinging harder or faster would seem to be the logical way, but is it?

The reality is that trying to swing harder or faster will usually result in unwanted swing changes that may result in your arms getting to active in the swing, which may lead to a tilt to the left causing your swing path to "go over the top". With all of these possibilities it makes sense to find other ways to accomplish your goal.

Increasing overall golf swing speed or hitting the ball harder will not necessarily result in increased club head speed or increased distance unless you already have a very efficient, well balanced and executed swing. In order to gain distance you need to eliminate the "speed leaks" in your swing and increase your club head speed.

What are the "speed leaks" in your swing? Some of the usual suspects are;

Any swing fault that results in a severe offline ball flight, slice, hook, very high or very low.
Trying to power the forward swing with the arms, rather than the rotation of your lower body.
Not creating "lag" and/or releasing it to early.
As an example, when I finally eliminated my slice, one of the side benefits was that all of my club distances increased just by virtue of hitting the ball with a more square club face.

Without having to worry about where the ball was going, my overall swing got better, club head speed increased slightly, balance improved, swing path was better.

I remember commenting to one of my playing partners that the added distance made it a whole new game, I was having more fun and actually had to think more about how to hit greens in regulation.

The average tour player has a club head speed of around 115 to 120 MPH, some of the long drive competitors can get their's up to 140 and higher. The average amateur recreational golfer manages 85 to 90 mph.

For every 1 mph increase in club head speed, the average increase in distance is 1.4 yards. If you could increase yours to an average of 90 mph to 100 mph that would be 14 more yards on average. How would 14 more yards change your game?

The good news is that increasing your club head speed from 90 mph to 100 mph is not that difficult. You need to identify your "speed leaks" and work on eliminating them.

There are many parts of the modern golf swing that contribute to club head speed and the increased distance that results from an increase. Among them are;

Swing path.
Swing plane and how well you maintain it.
The amount of lag you create and deliver to impact.
How well you are able to square the club face.
Have you ever wondered how the tour pro's hit what seem to be effortless drives that travel 300 plus yards? It is because they have all of the basic fundamentals of the swing down cold.

They make sure their grip, stance, alignment, ball position, etc. are perfect before they ever start the swing...every time. They rehearse and visualize the shot they want to make, to the area that will give them the best chance of success on the next shot. Then they make a balanced efficient swing.

Your best path to more club head speed and the resulting greater distance, would be to find and work with a PGA teaching professional to identify the speed leaks in your swing and work specifically on improving th fundamentals of a sound swing.

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How To Hit A Draw In Golf - This Method Is Simple And Accurate

There are many advantages to be realized with the ability to work the ball to where you want it to finish. The draw in golf is one of those controllable shape shots that most skilled golfer's are good at.

Why would you want to hit a draw?

A draw ball flight on the drive will move slightly to the left and typically generate more forward roll, thus more distance.
If you have a left pin placement you may want to start the ball at the middle of the green and move it left to get close, safely.
If you have an obstacle, such as a tree in your line of sight you could use a draw to go around it to the right and still end up to the left.
Most amateur or recreational golfer's because they think shape shots are very difficult to learn avoid even trying.

This thinking is not their fault, a lot of the methods presented for hitting a draw are at the very least confusing, and many of them are not necessary. I am not saying they are wrong, just that there are many ways to make the changes needed to hit very good draw shots whenever called for.

Here are a few examples;

Move the ball forward in your stance (not necessary)
Open the club face (this is wrong)
Close your stance (yes, but there is a very easy way)
Make an early release ( not necessary)

Some of the problems with multiple step procedures is they are difficult to remember. When you are in the heat of competition you need a method that is easy to set up for, easy to execute and easy to remember.

This simple method is different in that you are only required to make two simple changes to your standard full swing set up. in order to be in perfect position to hit a draw, and even control how far it draws.

It works the same for any club from the driver to the hybrids and irons.

The simple method is as follows;

Put your club face on the ground behind the ball and aimed directly at where you want the ball to finish.
Without moving your club face align your body to the ball just as if you are going to make a full swing, now move your trail foot back slightly so your toe line points to the path you want the ball to start on.
Align your body to the new toe line and make your normal swing along this line.
With only two simple changes to your standard set up, you have slightly closed the club face, and aligned your body slightly to the right of the target. This method is easy to set up for, easy to execute, and easy to remember. Just what you to hit a great draw shot.

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